Gun and Gun is an anime-themed card game from Japanese design studio Keepdry that features competitive one-versus-one battles, a distinct two-deck draft system, and gorgeous Japanese sci-fi art!
- 6 Gunner cards
- 18 Gunner Skill cards
- 9 Gun cards
- 180 Gun Deck cards
- 2 Player aid cards
- 2 Playsheets
- 2 Life dials
- 6 Burn counters
- 1 Core Set rules manual
- 1 Overheat expansion rules manual
- 1 Short Manga
- 1 LionWing Collector's Card (2 variations; 1 has been placed in each box randomly)
Kickstarter Page
You can view Gun and Gun's Kickstarter campaign page here to see how the project came to life thanks to the support of backers.
All products/bundled items ship together, not independently, and ship according to the product with the release date furthest out.